samedi 16 février 2013

Travaux en cours / Work in progress

L'air est tellement humide que cela ne sèche pas bien vite, j'applique l'engobe de porcelaine avec un pinceau chinois, après avoir tournassé les bols, sur des pièces encore humide, à tel point que je risque de les déformer. J'aime tourner la terre assez molle, l'ennui ce sont les déformations quand je les sors du tour, en fait il y a beaucoup d'occasion de déformer les pièces, même quand elle sont bien symétriques à l'origine.

The air is so humid that it does not dry very quickly, I apply the porcelain slip with a Chinese brush after having turn the foot of bowls still wet, to the point that I might distort. I love to throw the clay soft enough, boredom are distorsions when I get them out of the wheel, there is plenty of opportunity to distort pots, even when it is well balanced in origin.

Il me reste 100 kilos de terre de Saint Amand, mais elle est sèche et je dois trancher les pains et humidifier les tranches, avant de les pétrir à nouveau. Je n'ai pas d'assistant, ni de machine. Cela prend un temps infini !!!

I still have 100 kilos of Saint Amand clay, but it is dry and I have to humidify the clay slices, before knead again. I have no assistant, no machine. It takes an infinite time!

4 commentaires:

Audeterrienne a dit…

tu devrais embaucher des dames qui ont envie de maigrir pour pétrir tes tranches en tête de bélier;-)

Armelle Léon a dit…

Je crois qu'elles se transformeraient en bloc de glace dans l'atelier-véranda, ces jours-ci !!!
Bonne idée, cependant ;-)

Peter a dit…

Bonjour Armelle,
Sorry that it has been so long since I have written! Lovely to see your new work in progress. I also like working with soft clay and turning the foot of a bowl when it is quite soft. I like the way you have given the wavy edge to the rim of the bowl, it will be very nice when fired and a pale celadon glaze might pool very attractively.

I did read of a potter who once employed a young person who was a wrestler and who enjoyed the physical work out of wedging clay!

We all send our Greetings,
P. L. NS & G

Armelle Léon a dit…

Bonjour Peter,
Oh, yes a pale celadon glaze would be very nice, anyway, as it's not possible to have reduction in my electric kiln, well, I have decorated this bowl and some more, and they will probably be coated with a clear glaze.
Oh, yes I need a young potter to help me, the joints are not so good, few snowflakes today, the veranda is a frige.
Best wishes from us